October Update Blog Post

Hello. I hope this post finds everyone well.

This month’s post is full of various projects I have been working on. I have had a very busy month.

I attended a networking event during the first weekend of this month put on by the NAIWE, the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors. The event was called the Be a Better Freelancer Conference.

I learned so much, and made lots of connections.

During the Conference, which was 100% online, I attended some great workshops for editors and writers. I think I am going to join NAIWE as soon as possible.

Another thing that happened this month is I announced, rather quietly, that I am starting an Etsy store. I did that because I wanted to make sure that I had at least 10 items, at minimum, in the store before I make an official announcement. So, that’s coming, slowly but surely, for many reasons. I suppose I could go ahead and put a link here.

In addition, I am preparing for NaNoWriMo. Not only as a writer, but also as a YouTuber, and as an editor.

For my book, I am in the middle of making a new outline, with index cards, in the vein of author and fellow YouTuber Sarra Cannon. I hope to write around 20,000 words in November. We’ll have to see how that goes.

As a YouTuber, I am planning on creating two video series, based on some other work that I am doing this month.

I am going to have a grammar series and a punctuation series. These series will touch on things that come up for me as a copyeditor and proofreader, and would be beneficial for authors who have just finished up their first draft after NaNoWriMo. My plan is to get these filmed in early November, and up on my YouTube channel by the end of November.

I am also planning on starting a podcast. I have been thinking about this during this month, and I finally decided to start one. It will be a general podcast, covering all aspects of my life as a mom, writer, editor, and artist.

Thank you so much for reading.

Have a great day, folks!
